LANOGARDEN is a set of felt pots and sheets intended to challenge traditional ways of growing plants in the home. Inspired by the essential nutrients wool can provide for plants, I used the process of wet felting to incorporate additional materials within the layers of felt that can further add supplemental nutrients- specifically coconut husk and dried leaves, which are commonly used in compost for gardening due to their own unique benefits. Over time, the material will steadily release all of these nutrients into the soil as it breaks down. While these pots can stand alone in various shapes and sizes, they can also be secured onto a simple metal stand using an internal drawstring mechanism, providing additional support and drainage with a removable tray. Sheets made of this material can act as a soil substitute, with the ability to be shaped into unique forms or even hung on a wall- simply scatter seeds, water consistently, and watch the growing process on a new type of surface. In addition to providing countless benefits for plants, this material is also fully biodegradable.

Julia Panajoti

B.I.D. 2024

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