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Material collection 


The cornerstone of the Material Lab is our physical collection of circulating samples. While the Lab’s origins as a resource for Pratt’s Interior Design department are evident in our range of interior surfaces and finishes, our composition-driven organization helps to support exploration and experimentation for students in a range of art and design fields. Our primary collection is organized within 9 categories:


To learn more about how samples are chosen for the Lab, please check out the Acquisitions/Donations section of this guide

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Other Resources


Non-Circulating Print Resources.

In addition to our circulating samples, the Lab also holds a small library of non-circulating books and periodicals, including a current subscription to Metropolis magazine. While not available for check-out, these may be scanned as needed in the Lab. 


Online Resources

Pratt community members also have access to a range of material-related online resources including Material Connexion and Spec Simple.

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